COLTUNCAROL (nee Baskin) Sept. 25, 2003; wife of the late Harold; mother of Ellen (Richard) Heath; grandmother of Laura and Rebecca Heath; aunt of Ruth Jeffkin, Edward (Janet) Baskin and David (Ann) Harrison. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services Fri. 11:30 A.M. Haym Salomon Memorial Park, Frazer, PA (Sect. AA). The family will return to the residence of...
LOBBERTHA (nee Herbst), Sept. 23, 2003, of Media; wife of the late Sol, mother of Helen Barsh, sister of Willy Herbst, grandmother of Gregory and Steven Barsh and Lisa Borwn. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services, Wednesday 2 P.M. Montefiore Cemetery (Sec. 13), Church Road and Borbeck Sts., Fox Chase. The family will return to the residence of...